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Source Gathering: Find Statutes

Resources for law journal and review staffers.

Federal Statutes

State Statutes

US map

When available, the Law Library collects annotated and official codes for all fifty states.  The state materials are arranged alphabetically by state with Alabama-Maine on 5 and Maryland-Wyoming on 5A.

In the Law Library

Law Library Reading Room Photo

Primary materials such as federal and state statutes are located in the open stacks.  They can be removed from the shelves and placed in journal carrels during the cite checking process. 


Pennsylvania icon New Jersey icon


Two state codes are not like the others. 

You won't find the Pennsylvania and New Jersey annotated codes on level 5A.  Due to high demand, they are shelved in the closed stacks.  Request the title you need at the library desk. 

Because they are on reserve, they may NOT be checked out long-term.