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Find Videos/DVDs: Home

A guide to how to locate Videos and DVDs in the catalog, as well as where to borrow these items.

Charles Library Videos/DVDs

The general Video and DVD collection at Charles Library is located in the BookBot retrieval system.  Anyone with a Temple ID can borrow DVDs with a BookBot location for seven days.

To request one of these titles for checkout, login to the "My Library Account" and click the "Request" button located above the call number.  Depending on request volume, BookBot requests may take between 20 minutes and an hour to fulfill.  To reduce wait time, we recommend that you place requests prior to your trip to the library.

Charles BookBot request dialog box


Videos and DVDs with a location of Charles Library Media Reserves are currently being used by a class and, as a result, can only be checked out for 4 hours and viewed in-house.  These items, along with USB plug-n-play DVD drives for use with laptops, are located at the Charles Library One Stop Assistance Desk.  We will allow the reserving faculty and TAs longer check-outs of reserve films when needed for in-class use.

CLA Ed Tech Center Videos/DVDs

The College of Liberal Arts Educational Technology Center collection, located in AL-21 Anderson Hall, is a teaching resource for faculty and TAs.  Faculty are allowed to check out video, audio, and slide resources.  Students are not permitted to check out materials, but may view visual materials related to their coursework in selected study spaces at the Center.


Temple University Libraries welcomes suggestions for purchase from users. If you would like to recommend a DVD or videotape for purchase use the request form or contact a subject specialist.


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Brian Boling
Charles Library, Room 350
Subjects: Film & Media Arts