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The Art of Acting: THTR 0825
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The Art of Acting: THTR 0825
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Writing Guides
Temple University Libraries' Citation Help Guide
***When in doubt, always ask your instructor which citation style you should choose!***
APA style (via Purdue OWL)
APA is most commonly used in the social sciences, including psychology, education, linguistics, sociology, economics, and library science.
MLA style (via Purdue OWL)
MLA is most commonly used in the humanities, including languages and literature, philosophy, art history, and cultural studies.
Chicago style (via Purdue OWL)
Chicago Notes & Bibliography style is most commonly used in humanities disciplines such as music and history. Chicago author-date style is preferred in the physical, natural, and social sciences.
MLA Handbook
The Modern Language; The Modern Language Association of America
ISBN: 9781603293518
Publication Date: 2021-05-30
The Elements of Style
William Strunk; E. B. White
ISBN: 9780205632640
Publication Date: 2008-10-15
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
Kate L. Turabian; Wayne C. Booth (Revised by); Gregory G. Colomb (Revised by); University of Chicago Press Staff (Revised by); Joseph M. Williams (Revised by)
ISBN: 9780226816371
Publication Date: 2013-04-03
The Chicago Manual of Style
University of Chicago Staff (Editor)
ISBN: 9780226104201
Publication Date: 2010-08-01
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