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U.S. Elections & Foreign Policy POLS 3550

For the 2023 course exercise and projects

Using Census USA Trade Online

See the screen shots for the steps below:

1. Create a free account at and log in to your account.

2. Select "State Export Data" and then "HS"

3. Select check box for your state

4. Click on "Commodity" on the left and then click the check box for "All commodities"

5. Click on "Report" at the top of the page. This creates a Left to Right display. You can also click on "Chart"  Use "View" options in the drop down to the upper left to change the display. For example, select Chart options / Chart Display to change from the default Column display to Bar, then click the Ok button (example below.)

6. Save the "Report" with a new title to My Reports

8. Click on "Data Source Selection" and then "State Import Data" to repeat the process for an import Report.

Image of Census Trade login page









Image of census trade data





image of Census trade data

Image of Census trade data

Image of Census trade data

Image of Census trade data