by Rick Lezenby
Last Updated Jul 16, 2024
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This guide is for projects in the Fall 2023 course Political Economy of Identity in the Global Era. Use the resources and information on this guide to help with research.
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PAIS covers issues in the public debate through selective coverage of international sources including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content.
Search on identity and economic* across all subjects. Annual Reviews Online provides synthesized research literature in various disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences.
Detailed information about political and social topics of countries and regions, e.g. the economic situation, elections, demographics, religious affiliations, education, and health.
This first book devoted to CAS explores methodological rationales and illustrative applications showing how area-based expertise can link into cutting-edge comparative analytical frameworks.
The Oxford Handbook of American Immigration and Ethnicity explores how Americans think of themselves and how science, religion,period of migration, gender, education, politics, and occupational mobility shape both this image and American life.
This handbook provides a global study of the classification of mixed race and ethnicity at the state level, bringing together a diverse range of country case studies from around the world.
A cutting-edge research on Asian transnationalism written by experts in the areas of migration, diaspora, ethnicity, gender, language, education, politics, media, art, popular culture, and literature.
The handbook presents different thematic perspectives on transnational families, including an analytical focus on gender, global sociodemographic inequalities, power asymmetries, and border- and mobility regimes, as well as the organization of transnational care, transnational fatherhood, ageing, family reunions and return.