If you are interested in using Dryad to deposit your data, consider the following requirements:
Dryad accepts all research data and is intended for complete, re-usable, open research datasets.
Dryad provides a detailed walkthrough of the data submission process here. For help with the process, contact help@datadryad.org. If you would like to talk to a Temple librarian about your dataset, the process, and suing Dryad, contact will.dean@temple.edu.
Deposit process:
First, login to Dryad at: https://datadryad.org/stash/sessions/choose_login
When prompted, choose to login through Institutional access
Choose Temple from the list, login with your TU AccessNet or TUHS credentials
Connect your ORCID (sign up for one with info here)
Review the data deposit requirements
You should see a menu with an option for 'My Datasets', click on that.
Click on the 'Start New Dataset' button.
Fill out the metadata fields, it will ask the journal you are submitting with, funder info, abstract, and other things.
Then fill out the README or import your README
Review the metadata and other info
If you are looking to share your dataset privately for peer review, under 'Choose When to publish', pick the 'Keep my dataset private while my related article is in peer review' option. Your data will not be curated and published until you change this option. If you are ready to submit your dataset for curation choose the 'Make my dataset available for public download as soon as possible' option.
Agree to the license and terms of service, contact tul-rds@temple.edu with any license questions
You will recieve a DOI that can be shared with a journal, colleagues and others. If further information is needed during the curation process, Dryad curators will reach out to you. If not, you will be notified when your dataset has been curated and shared publicly.
All data deposits in Dryad are given a suggested citation that follows the following format:
Author(s) (Date). Title. [Dataset]. Dryad. DOI