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Honors Sport & Leisure in American Society: REL 0957

Find Journals

Tips for selecting journals

1. Look through the list of journals on the right side of this page. Peruse an issue or two of a journal to see if the articles interest you.

2. Search Journal Finder (search box on the left side of this page) for keywords like sport, sports, leisure, recreation, athletics, and physical education. 

3. Do a search in SportDiscus with Full Text for your favorite sport or leisure activity. In the search results, click on the "Publication" limiter on the left side menu. Limit to specific publications to see if you find the articles interesting. (Additionally, if you want to limit to academic journals, choose that option under "Source types".) 

Questions to ask about a journal

1. Is this an academic journal? Is it peer-reviewed?

Look up journal in Journal Finder. Click on link to (Is this scholarly? and other journal details)

2. Does the Library have access to the most recent issues of this journal? 

Look up journal in Journal Finder. Do the access dates include the phrase present

3. How many years of coverage does the Library have?

Look up journal in Journal Finder. Note the earliest access date and most recent access date.

4. Does the journal cover the sport or activity you are most interested in?

5. Does the theoretical or methodological approach of the journal appeal to you?

6. Which database or databases allow you to search for articles in this journal?