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Immigration and the American Dream: HIST 0831 / SPAN 0831/0931

Research resources for the Gen Ed course "Immigration & the American Dream" in the History and Spanish departments

MLA Citation Style

MLA HandbooksThe MLA Handbook is in its 9th edition

Find copies of the 9th edition at the Libraries, or refer to the MLA Style Center's FAQs. The MLA Style Center also offers an Interactive Practice Template for use.

Tip: Pay attention to the edition offered by citation generator and management tools, and choose accordingly.

This site can also be helpful for learning to use the MLA citation style: Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide

Why cite?

  1. To credit authors or artists whose arguments, ideas, or creative works you've used
  2. To allow people reviewing your work to check your sources for accuracy
  3. To allow readers to understand how you came up with your arguments
  4. To provide scholars with further sources for their own research
  5. To avoid plagiarism