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Law and American Society

A guide for the General Education course of the same name.

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Scholarly, Popular, Trade? What's in a name?

While searching the databases, you will notice that there are different types of articles.  these can be loosely grouped into three catagories: scholarly, popular, and trade articles. Each type of article is  written with a different audience in mind and for a different purpose. Here is a breakdown of the different article types:

Scholarly Popular Trade
Purpose Informs and reports on original research done by scholars and experts in the field. Entertains and informs a general audience without providing in-depth analysis. Reports on industry trends and new products or techniques useful to people in a trade or business.
Authors Articles are written by subject specialists and experts in the field. Articles are written by journalists, freelance writers, or an editorial staff. Articles are written by specialists in a certain field or industry.
Audience Intended for a limited audience - researchers, scholars, and experts. Intended for a broad segment of the population, appealing to non-specialists. Intended for practititioners in a particular profession, business, or industry.

Subject Specialist

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Adam Shambaugh
Charles Library