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African Americans, Equality, and the Law: LGLS 0803

Why Books?


Question: What value lies in books?  Why, for example, would a researcher choose a book over a journal?

Answer: Because of their length, books tend to provide more comprehensive treatment of a topic. Edited works are generally comprised of chapters by different contributing authors. Books can also be useful for providing footnotes to additional materials. 

Why Google Books?

Question: Why would you use Google Book Search?

Answer: Google Book Search (unlike Diamond or WorldCAT) searches the full-text of the books in its inventory.  Diamond and WorldCAT are limited to searching only title, author, subject heading and other specific and limited information about a book.

Because Google Book Search lets you search within books, you can see a table of contents or an index or just a portion of a book.  You can then locate the book in a nearby library.

Google Book Search

Find Books

Looking for a book or book chapter? Use the following sources to find books at Temple and at other libraries.

Quick Search for books and more

  • Search tips:
    • Try using the author's last name and the word "criticism" combined.  Example: Toomer and criticism
    • Try using the phrase "African American" and a topic. 
      Example: "African American" and equality
    • Sort results by date to find the most recent publications.


  • E-Z Borrow
    Search nearby libraries for books that are either currently unavailable or not owned by Temple. Available copies may be requested online and should be ready for pick-up within 3-5 work days.

Book Locations

Books that you find for your topic may be located in a variety of places.  Below is a list of possible locations.

Charles Library This is where most of the books are kept. Books may be either on the 4th floor of Charles or in the Charles BookBot. 
Blockson Collection This is a special collection devoted to African and African American history.  Find these books on the 1st floor of Sullivan Hall.  These books are in-house use only.
Request from Library Depository This is the library's storage facility for older, more fragile books.  Request online to have these books brought to Charles in 24 hours.  Check out these books like usual.

Subject Specialist

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Adam Shambaugh
Charles Library