Use these sources to begin your research.
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CQ Researcher provides reports written by journalists, footnoted and fact-checked. Full-length articles include an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus resources for additional research. Graphics, photos and short "sidebar" features round out the reports.
Here are a few places to start looking for research-based articles.
Education Source provides a full-text collection of education journals, and encompasses an international array of English-language periodicals, monographs, yearbooks. It covers all levels of education--from early childhood to higher education.
ERIC [via EBSCOhost] contains bibliographic records of research reports, conference papers, teaching guides, books, and journal articles relating to the practice of education. ERIC Digests are included. Covers the period 1966-present.
Note: Follow these instructions to link Google Scholar with Temple's resources.
Google Scholar provides search for scholarly literature. It covers disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations.
Use these resources to find newspaper articles from the United States and the rest of the world.