Sources for general audiences (documentaries, magazines, newspapers, blogs, podcasts) are great for finding topics. No shame in starting this way! Research is often reported in sources written so that the ideas and significance are much easier to understand (not formally presented -- as in scholarly journals).
Films on Demand has a number of documentaries on a wide range of psychological topics to inspire you and point out experts and researchers. Library Search can also be used to find streaming video and dvd's. Do a search on a topic and use the filters on the left of the results.
For articles about psychology topics, these magazines are generally pretty interesting and readable:: Scientific American and Scientific American Mind articles, Psychology Today articles (or the Psychology Today web site), Psychological Science in the News and APA Psychology Topics. Search the names of the researchers you see reported on in other databases to find more from their original papers.
New York Times Topics Psychology and Psychologists brings together highly readable articles that report on and point to research from a well respected newspaper that many professors and researchers read as well.
Consider listening to Explain the Brain Podcasts - Neuroscience and Psychology from the Mind Science Foundation and Psychology podcasts: a clickable list – Research Digest from the British Psychological Society
More scholarly but still fairly easy to read are topic surveys in the journals Trends in Cognitive Science, Current Directions in Psychological Science and Annual Reviews Online.
Also, consider checking in on what Temple faculty are publishing: Neurocognition Laboratory Publications, Department of Psychology News, and Temple University Psychology publications