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Children and Families in the Social Environment: SSW 8403

Recommended library resources for SSW 8403: Children and Families in the Social Environment

Correlational studies

Correlational studies are observational studies that look at the relationships between two or more variables that are not controlled by the researcher. These studies can reveal if a relationship exists between variables, but are limited because they do not prove causation. They are often used for gathering information about a topic or in situations where performing an experiment is not possible.

Searching for correlational studies: Look for Methodology or Publication Types that use terms like cohort, case-control, descriptive, or observational, longitudinal study.

Intervention studies

Intervention studies are experimental studies that test the effectiveness of a preventative or therapeutic measure.

Searching for intervention studies: Look for Methodology or Publication Types that use terms like clinical trial, randomised-controlled (RCT), experimental, quasi-experimental, treatment outcome study

Levels of evidence

In medical and nursing literature, a level of evidence may be assigned to a research article based on the quality of their methodological design, validity, and applicability to patient care.

Correlational studies might fall into Level IV or V on this chart, whereas intervention studies might fall into Levels II, III, or IV.

Levels of evidence list

Adapted from Melnyk, B. M., & In Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice.