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Books: Vocal Music (ML)
ML1400-3275 Vocal Music
ML1400- Vocal Music
ML1402- by period
ML1410 - by country
ML1460 Vocal technique Choral music (sacred and secular)
ML1554 Kinds and forms of mixed sacred and secular
ML1600-2881 Secular vocal music
ML1600- Secular vocal music
ML1700 -Dramatic music
ML2400 Cantatas
ML2900-3275 Sacred vocal music
ML2900 Sacred vocal music
ML3002-3095 Catholic
ML3088 Mass
ML3090 Stabat mater, Te Deum, etc.
ML3100-3270 Protestant
ML3201-3251 Oratorio
ML3260 Cantata
Musical Instruction and Study: Vocal Music (MT)
MT820-949 Voice Instruction
MT825-850 Systems and methods
MT825 American methods
MT855-883 Special techniques
MT870 Sight-singing methods
MT875 Chorus and part singing
MT898-949 Techniques for children