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Latin American Media: MSP 0823

Research help for the course, MSP 0823: Latin American Media.

Why Cite?

index card with citation notes

Question: Why cite sources?

Answer: Citing the sources you use supports your ideas, validates your argument, gives credit to the originator of the idea, leads readers to additional information about your topic, and helps prevent plagiarism.

Index Card by Reeding Lessons, February 3, 2007 (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Citation Generator & Organization Tools

Use any of these citation generators to quickly create citations. 

Use with caution, though. Not all are 100% accurate. Some miss finer details like capitalization or punctuation. Proof the final citations according to a style manual.

Help from Purdue OWL

Purdue Online Writing Lab

The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) contains writing resources and instructional materials focused on the writing process, academic writing, mechanics, grammar, punctuation, and more. 


The Purdue OWL has been the go-to resource for researchers and librarians for many years. It is still a good resource despite the advertisements (they partnered with Chegg).

Videos on Annotated Bibliographies

Writing an Annotated Bibliography

Videos on Citing Sources

Citation: A (Very) Brief Introduction

Why We Cite

How We Cite