"The mission of OASPA is to support and represent the interests of Open Access (OA) journal and book publishers globally in all scientific, technical, and scholarly disciplines."
Bernius, S. (2010). The impact of open access on the management of scientific knowledge. Online Information Review, 34(4), 583-603. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/14684521011072990
Kousha, K., & Abdoli, M. (2010). The citation impact of open access agricultural research: A comparison between OA and non-OA publications. Online Information Review, 34(5), 772-785.
Xia, J., & Nakanishi, K. (2012). Self-selection and the citation advantage of open access articles. Online Information Review, 36(1), 40-51. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/14684521211206962
Chaudhuri, J., & Thohira, M. (2010). Usage of open-access journals: Findings from eleven top science and medical journals. Serials Librarian, 58(1-4), 97-105.
Poschl, U. (2010). Interactive open access publishing and public peer review: The effectiveness of transparency and self-regulation in scientific quality assurance. IFLA Journal, 36(1), 40-46.