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Federal Public Access Policies for Research

Explore information about upcoming public access requirements for federally funded research and library resources and services that help with compliance.

NIH Public Access Compliance

National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded investigators are required by Federal law to submit (or have submitted) to PubMed Central (PMC) an electronic version of the final, peer-reviewed manuscript upon acceptance for publication. Having a PMCID for an article is the only way to show compliance.


Researchers sign on to My NCBI account ( via the eRA Commons login to see and change compliance status in My Bibliography. A red icon indicates not in compliance, green for in compliance, and blue for in process of getting a PMCID. A red icon may also indicate citations without information, which can be marked with an exemption or set to private where the policy does not apply.  Researchers can delegate other users to help manage their citations. TU researchers may obtain their eRA Commons credentials at NIH Commons ID


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