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Social Work Macro Research in Organization, Community, and Policy Arenas: SSWG 8107

guide for course assignments

Social Issue and Policy Overviews

Social historians and other scholars often publish books about particular social issues that cover the history of a social problem, causes and responses, and give an overview of the relevant policy making. Other sources, like CQ Researcher, also contain shorter article-length summaries of this history of specific social problems and policy responses.

Social Research Methods

For more resources, uses these subject headings in Library Search.  Selecting Methodology below will return results in Library Search for books and media about social work research and methodology.

Social serviceResearchMethodology

Associations and Networks

Search for more social work related associations, welfare, special interest and advocacy organizations with Gale Directory Library.  For example, search "Social Work" or "Homeless" in the Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S. and filter by State and Subject Category.