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Box Repository: Books

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Searching for Books

Book Locations

Books that you find for your topic may be located in a variety of places.  Below is a list of possible locations.

  • Ambler Stacks -- This is a branch library located on the Ambler campus. Use the "Request" button in the Diamond Catalog to request these books and have them brought to Paley in a few days.  Check out these books like usual.
  • BookBot - This is the Charles Library automated retrieval system for older material not in Charles Stacks. Request these in LIbrary Search and get them from the Hold Shelf under your name on the first floor of Charles.
  • Blockson Collection -- This is a special collection devoted to African and African American history.  Find these materials on the 1st floor of Sullivan Hall.  These materials are in-house use only.
  • Charles Reserves -- This is where books placed on course reserves are kept. Find these books at the One Stop Desk on the first floor
  • Charles Stacks -- This is where most of the newer books are kept. Find these books on the fourth floor of Charles.
  • Leisure Reading - These are general interest and popular fiction books kept on the first floor of Charles and other TU Libraries. The loan period is 8 weeks, but check them out like other books.
  • Library Depository -- This is a storage facility for older books on Main Campus.  Use the "Request" button in the Library Search to request these books and have them brought to Paley in 24 hours.  Check out these books like usual from the Hold Shelf on the first floor of Charles..
  • Special Collections Research Center -- This is where special collections -- Rare Books, Manuscripts, Paskow Science Fiction Collection, Urban Archives, Contemporary Culture Collection, etc. -- are kept.  Find these materials in the Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) Reading Room on the firstfloor of Charles.  These materials are in-house use only.


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