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Immigration Law

A guide to resources for immigration law research at Temple Law Library


This Immigration Law research guide is intended to assist researchers with understanding the basic concepts of immigration law in the United States and direct them to helpful resources.

On the left, researchers can find an outline of this guide which includes an explanation of how the immigration system is structured under federal agencies, secondary sources that are useful introductions to immigration law topics, and primary sources consisting of statutes, regulations, and case law.

Explore the content of this guide by clicking on the boxes and the various links provided within them. Some of these resources are open access, while others require a Temple University login or Temple Law login.  

General Immigration Collections

Both Westlaw and Lexis Advance have practice areas for Immigration Law, which includes searchable databases containing case law, legislation, regulations, administrative decisions, secondary sources, etc. These tools are only accessible via a Temple Law login. 

If you have a Temple University login, you can access the following general immigration databases: 

  • PLI Plus Immigration Law Practice Area  PLI Plus from the Practising Law Institute, a national provider of continuing legal education (CLE) programs, includes an Immigration Law practice area comprised of treatises and CLE course handbooks and transcripts. 

  • HeinOnline Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S. Collection  HeinOnline's Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S. collection includes legislative histories, primary sources, treatises, scholarly articles, bibliographies, and more. 

  • Oxford Handbooks Online  Even though frequently covered through a comparative law lens, Oxford Handbooks Online include articles related to U.S. immigration and citizenship. 

If you do not have a Temple Law login or a Temple University login, you can still utilize open access databases to find information on immigration law. Go to the Free and Low-Cost US Legal Research Tools section of the International L.L.M. and Graduate Studies Guide to find a list of useful platforms.  

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