Data providers may recommend how to cite their data. However, the suggested format may not be the format required by the APA, MLA or other style guides. The provider's example may provide useful information about the provider and details to put in parentheses.
GSS provides the following example, if you used the datafile and the codebook:
Smith, Tom W., Davern, Michael, Freese, Jeremy, and Morgan, Stephen L., General Social Surveys, 1972-2018 [machine-readable data file] /Principal Investigator, Smith, Tom W.; Co-Principal Investigators, Michael Davern, Jeremy Freese and Stephen L. Morgan; Sponsored by National Science Foundation. --NORC ed.-- Chicago: NORC, 2019.
1 data file (64,814 logical records) + 1 codebook (3,758 pp.). -- (National Data Program for the Social Sciences, no. 25).
If you used only the codebook, use this example:
Smith, Tom W., Davern, Michael, Freese, Jeremy, and Stephen L. Morgan. General Social Surveys, 1972-2018: Cumulative Codebook / Principal Investigator, Tom W. Smith; Co-Principal Investigators, Michael Davern, Jeremy Freese and Stephen L. Morgan. -- Chicago: NORC, 2019. 3,758 pp., 28cm. -- (National Data Program for the Social Sciences Series, no. 25).
Whatever citation style is used, the essential elements of a data citation are:
Read ICPSR's guide to proper research data citation for more resources on this topic.
Roper Center instructions on how to cite their datasets
Amercan FactFinder answer to "How do I cite tables and maps in American FactFinder?"
Author Last name, First Name initial. (Year). Name (ICPSR 21600; Version V1) [Data set]. ICPSR.
Smith, T.W., Marsden, P.V., & Hout, M. (2011). General social survey, 1972-2010 cumulative file (ICPSR31521-v1) [data file and codebook]. Chicago, IL: National Opinion Research Center [producer]. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]. doi: 10.3886/ICPSR31521.v1
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