General suggestions for a search process:
Get a basic understanding -- background facts, dates, names -- involved in your topic. Assume you know little and trust no source by itself to begin with, particularly sources with no references. The more you know, the more you know what to look for and what to ignore. Ask yourself: who would have a research interest in your topic? Are there related fields of study?
- Search your topic in Library Search to see the range of resources, books, articles, etc immediately available through Temple
- Search your topic in Web of Science for articles from prominent journals - use linked "Citation" for older articles, use the link to "Related records" for recent articles (the more shared citations, the more likely to be on topic) Request anything not immediately available at Temple through ILLiad or EZborrow
- Search known references (see Citation Chasing) in Google Scholar and follow the link to "Cited by" and especially a link to Web of Science if there is one. Books will not have a direct link to Temple Library Search, so copy and paste the title into Library Search from Google Scholar. Request anything not immediately available at Temple through ILLiad or EZborrow
- Search Google Scholar for keywords. Pay attention to "cited by" and the date of publication. Narrow the "Since" year on the left if necessary. Request anything not imm1) ediately available at Temple through ILLiad or EZBorrow
- Use subject databases to focus your searches.