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Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good (Prof. Stone)

This guide is for sections of Intellectual Heritage II (IH0852) taught by Prof. Hana Stone.

Using the TUJ Library

Whether this is your first time a class required you to use the TUJ library or you've already had an in-depth introduction to the library, a quick refresher on library basics will start you off on the right foot.  Here are some important things the librarians want you to know:

  • The TUJ Library website is different from the main campus library website even though we share the same central system, so we recommend always starting you searches at
  • Our library is open Mondays through Saturdays and is closed on Sundays and national holidays.  Opening and closing hours vary throughout the year, but you can always check our current hours here.
  • Librarians are available to help you via email, chat, phone, in-person in the library, or by appointment.  Go here to learn about all of the options.

Beyond your assignments for this specific class, the library can support your needs in a variety of ways to ensure that your college experience is a positive one.  Just a few highlights include:

If you have questions about the libraries collections and services, check our Frequently Asked Questions list or simply ask a librarian!

Finding Your Way Around the Library

Not sure where to find things in the library?  Curious about the services and spaces we offer?  Explore this interactive map to learn more about all the great things you can access at the TUJ Library!

Temple University Japan Campus Library   1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 154-0004
Tel: 03-5441-9867 Fax: 03-5441-9811   Email:   Web: