Temple Libraries acquires e-books that are identified as course material. These digital versions are available free to students. While the library attempts to purchase unlimited access licenses to these e-books, it is not always possible. Some may offer more limited access options. We encourage faculty to include links to these e-books in the course syllabus. Instructors can also adopt library e-books using the bookstore course materials adoption system.
Etextbooks at Temple University Libraries: Use this web page to review all of the currently available etextbooks that instructors can assign to their students. Note that the library provides access to millions of e-books. Items listed on this page are known to have been adopted as course materials by instructors - but there are many other e-books in the library collection that could be adopted as course material.
For additional general information on finding and using Temple University Libraries e-books, please consult this guide.
This is where the text will go for library database content