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Research posters

A guide to creating, editing, and presenting a successful research poster.


  • Short, sharp, compelling
  • Not more than 2 lines
  • Easy to read. Not too wordy. Avoid jargon. Catchy but not too gimmicky
  • Consider using sentence case
  • Will bring visitors to your poster, the main attraction!
  • Include author names and contact info below the title in smaller but still readable font


  • Quickly explain why this is an interesting question that needs to be addressed
  • Use the minimum amount of background information required to set the context

Materials & Methods

  • Briefly describe the research design and research setting
  • Use flowcharts, figures, or drawings, if possible
  • Mention any statistical or other analysis conducted


  • This section makes up the bulk of your poster and needs to be visually compelling
  • Give a brief narrative description of your results
  • Include charts and graphs to illustrate your quantitative findings
  • Label data directly, if possible. Otherwise use clear, readable legends for all graphs and tables.


  • Remind the reader of your hypothesis and result
  • Explain why your findings are relevant and interesting
  • Suggest directions for future research, if applicable


  • If you used any outside sources for the content of your poster, you need to cite them
  • Include references in the appropriate citation style of the major society in your field

Funding sources and conflicts of interest

  • Mention funding sources
  • Mention any conflicts of interest
  • If no conflicting interests, put a statement, such as: “The authors declare no competing interests.” 


  • Acknowledge special help, insightful advice
  • You can shrink or de-emphasize this, for example, by running this statement along the bottom without a boundary border.