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Public Health: The Way We Live, Work and Play: HRPR 1001

For students in HRPR 1001

How to Identify Scholarly Journals

image of a scholarly article
Interactive tutorial
Following is a checklist of some typical qualities of a scholarly journal article:
  • Is there an abstract or summary at the beginning of the article?
  • Does the article include a bibliography?
  • Are there in-text citations (e.g., parenthetical references, endnotes, or footnotes)?
  • Does the author use specialized language, relevant to the subject area?
  • What is the author's affiliation or credentials (e.g., is it with a college, university, or research organization)?
  • Who is the audience of the article? Is it written for fellow scholars in the field, for practitioners, or for a general/popular audience?
  • How many pages is the article? Is it substantial in length?
  • What kind of images does it contain? Scholarly journals tend to have few, if any images, but often contain charts, graphs, or data tables.
  • Does the journal title refer to an academic discipline or specialized field of study? Often the title will include words such as journalresearch, or review.


Find the Full-Text

Can't Locate Your Article Online?

  • Use the Find Full Text button button available from most databases to locate the entire article online.
  • If the article is available online, click on the Article or Journal links.
  • If your article is not available in print or via another research database, request it using interlibrary loan.

Depicts where to click on journal finder page to access the article or journal full-text