The sources below lead primarily to published texts in journals, magazines and books. Most are full-text on the Web and are generally a little more reliable than results you get from just searching the entire Web.
Global Issues in Context contains pages and full-text articles from newspapers, magazines, and academic journals. Focuses on issues, such as war, genocide, terrorism, human rights, poverty, famine, globalization, world trade, nuclear proliferation, and global warming.
Access World News includes a variety of news publications worldwide. These sources include major national and international newspapers, as well as local and regional titles as well as newswires, blogs, web-only content, videos, journals, magazines, transcripts and more.
ABI/INFORM provides publications on business conditions, trends, and management techniques. Titles are available full-text, including the Wall Street Journal.
Business Source Complete contains full text journals and business periodicals covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business.