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GV1580: Periodicals
GV1585: Dictionaries, encyclopedias
GV1588: Philosophy and theory
GV1589: Study and teaching
GV1590–1594: General works
GV1595: Special aspects of the subject as a whole
GV1600: Dance criticism, appreciation
GV1601: Dance–History
GV1743: National Dances. Folk dances and dancing
GV1751–1753.5: Social dancing. Ballroom dancing
GV1763: Square dances. Quadrilles. Country dances.
GV1781–1783.5: Theatrical dancing
GV1785–1786: Dance–Biography
GV1787: Ballet
GV1796: "Special dances" (e.g., hip hop. b-boy, Capoeira, tango, flamenco, etc.)
GV1799: Dance for children
M1450: Dance music (scores)
M1520–1526: Ballets (scores)
ML3400–3465: History and criticism–dance music (books)
MT950: Music
QM1–511: General human anatomy
QP1–QP345: General physiology
RC1220: Sports medicine–Dance