Temple faculty, students and affiliates may obtain GSS data in four ways.
2. Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR).
3. Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA) website at the University of California, Berkeley
4. Roper Center for Public Opinion Research.
You must create an account if you want to extract some data, save variables, analyses, or visualizations, save collections of data into projects, share your projects with other MyGSS account users.
Even without an account, you can download the entire dataset and explore variables and questions.
To extract the entire GSS dataset without creating an account, open this “Quick Downloads” link, which appears at the bottom of the GSS Data Explorer website. Choose STATA, SPSS, or SAS format.
To create a custom extract, start by adding variables to MyGSS. Read the Variable Search guide for instructions.
Instructions are also provided on the Cornell University Library guide. There is also a listing of data resources.
Beware: When using non-Temple library guides, the databases will be linked to their libraries collection. Copy the name of the database and search in Temple Library Search for the access link.
Access to Berkely is free, but you need to create an account: SDA Search interface for GSS 1972-2021. SDA GSS Help and Interface Introduction Video
To access and download data from ICPSR and Roper, read the below section on Access to GSS Data from ICPSR and Roper.
"The GSS geographic identification code files are made available to researchers under special contract with NORC. *** Under contract, the GSS will provide data on State, Primary sampling unit, County, & Census track, but in no circumstances will individually identifying information (name, address, etc.) be provided."
"Sensitive Data” includes any data from the GSS that might compromise the anonymity or privacy of respondents to those studies. Specifically, it includes any data file that, for either individuals, or families, includes:
Note: Temple users must access the Roper platform by creating an iPoll account using their @temple.edu email. Go to Log In --> select Your Affiliation (Temple University) --> Register or Sign In to Roper iPoll account.
Roper iPoll is provided by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Cornell University and offers public opinion poll data from 1935 to the present. iPoll contains nearly 800,000 questions and over 23,000 datasets from both U.S. and international polling firms. Surveys cover any number of topics including, social issues, politics, pop culture, international affairs, science, the environment, and much more. When available, results charts, demographic crosstabs and full datasets are provided for immediate download.