Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) - a finding tool for Government publications, containing records with information about publications in many different formats. When you search the CGP for a publication, you will find a record that tells you where you can find the publication, whether at a physical library or through a link to the full-text electronic version when available. Help and tips for searching the CGP is available here.
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) - the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. It is divided into 50 titles that represent areas subject to federal regulation. The CFR comes out annually. Currently, the CFR is available from 1996. The CFR Index and Finding Aids volume assists the user in locating the exact rules and regulations sought. Currently available online from 2017 to present.
Older CFR locations: - 1996 to present
HeinOnline - 1938 to present. Can browse by year, title, indexes and finding aids, and List of Sections Affected.
LexisNexis - 1981 to present. Lexis provides additional information besides just the text of the CFR. Additional information includes cases, statutes, etc.
ProQuest Congressional - 1981 to present. Click "Regulations" at bottom left of page and ensure the "Select Publication" drop-down is set to "Code of Federal Regulations."
Westlaw - 1984 to present. From "Content Types" click "Regulations," then click "Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)." Next, under "Tools & Resources" click "Code of Federal Regulations - Historical." Click the year you want to view. Available from 1984.
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