United States Government ManualCall Number: JK421 .A3 (the latest print edition from 2014 is available at the Reference Department, earlier editions are located on Floor 7 Government Documents under the same call number))
The official handbook of the federal government. It is issued by the National Archives' Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and provides information on the agencies of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. It also includes information on quasi-official agencies, international organizations in which the United States participates, and boards, commissions, and committees. The Library's collection runs from 1956/57, 1972/73 -2013, the 2014 edition. Prior to the 1972/73 edition it was known as the United States Government Organization Manual. The superintendent of documents (sudocs) call number is GS 4.109. Newer editions can be found online at GovInfo.gov by clicking here. Online coverage is from 1935, the earliest edition, to the present.