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Open Educational Practices

This guide provides information about Open Educational Resources (OER), including how to find, evaluate, and teach with them.

Introduction to Evaluating OER

You'll likely find it useful to evaluate OER based on the same standards you use to evaluate other course materials. Here are a few criteria to consider: 

  • Content: Does this OER cover what you'd like your students to learn in the course? 

  • Appropriateness: Is the content and reading level at the right level for your students? Is it challenging enough? Is the level of technicality appropriate for your course? 

  • Accessibility: Are materials available in a format compatible with screen readers or other technology? Are chapters and sections organized using headings? Do images contain alternative text? Do videos include captions and/or transcripts? 

  • Diversity and Inclusion: Is the content inclusive of students represented in your course? Is material diverse in regard to age, ability, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, geography, socio-economic status, and more? 

  • Use: Is the license open? Can you share, reuse, and remix the content freely? For more information on copyright and licensing, check out the Copyright Crash Course.  

  • Quality: Is the OER peer reviewed? Can you read reviews from other instructors who teach courses like yours? Are errors corrected or noted? 

  • Format: Does the material come in a format your students can access easily? Is special software required? Can the material be printed or purchased in print at a low cost?  

(Adapted from “Evaluating OER” from the University of Texas Libraries' Open Educational Resources LibGuide, which is licensed under a CC-BY-NC license.) 

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General Checklists

Accessibility Checklists

DEI Checklists


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.