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AI Tools for Research

This guide offers advice on AI-powered tools and functionality created for or used in academic research.

Tools for writing and publishing

Citing for publication

Different publishers may have different policies on whether or not generative AI is allowed and how to cite it. Check your publisher's information for authors webpage, or contact their editorial staff, for details. 

If using chatbot or other generative AI-created content, here are ways to acknowledge that usage:

  • Cite it in the text and references of your work
  • Describe your use as part of your methodology
  • Include an appendix with screenshots or transcripts of prompts and AI-generated responses

Citation examples and formats

Examples for different citation styles:

APA 7 reference OpenAI. (Year). ChatGPT (Month Day version) [Large language model].
MLA 9 works cited entry “Tell me about confirmation bias” prompt. ChatGPT, Day Month. version, OpenAI, Day Month Year,
Chicago footnote ChatGPT, response to “Tell me about confirmation bias,” Month Day, Year,
Additional formatting guidance for different styles: