U.S. law exams might be unlike anything you have encountered. Here are some tips that may prove helpful:
- REFER to the relevant HORNBOOK or CONCISE HORNBOOK to help clarify a specific topic in a field of law.
- For core 1L fields of law, you can find the relevant HORNBOOKS at the One-L Toolkit.
- Review by WRITING YOUR OWN OUTLINE each week. This will force you to digest what you have learned!
- Organize your outline systematically by specific doctrinal topics.
- Under each topic, articulate accurate black-letter rules that comprise every element.
- Summarize the determinative facts of each case that the court has found to fulfill or not fulfill each element.
- Understand the public policy decisions behind the judgment.
- Consider your professor's scholarly articles when studying policy issues.
- If your professor has put his/her past exams on reserve at the library desk or on Blackboard, consult these samples.
- After taking an old exam, review to see what you have missed.