United States Code Annotated (U.S.C.A.) (link to Westlaw)
West publishes the U.S.C.A., which sets forth the text of the legislation as it appears in the United States Code.
Its most important feature is the Notes of Decisions, which provides digests of cases that interpret a particular section of the Code.
United States Code Service (U.S.C.S.) (link to Lexis)
LexisNexis publishes the U.S.C.S., which sets forth the text of public laws as they appear in the United States Statutes at Large.
U.S.C.S. provides, in its Interpretive Notes and Decisions, "pertinent" digests of judicial opinions and federal administrative agency decisions that interpret or construe a public law or a particular section of a public law.
United States Statutes At Large (web | HeinOnline)
The United States Statutes at Large (Stat.) is the authoritative source for the text of federal laws. They are arranged in chronological order, not by subject.
United States Code (web | HeinOnline)
The United States Code (U.S.C.) is the "official" codification of federal public laws of a general and permanent nature that are in effect at the time of publication. It is organized by subject matter with numerical Titles. Those titles that have not been enacted as positive law are prima facie evidence of the law.
Federal Register (web | HeinOnline)
Since 1936, the Federal Register (F.R.) has published, in chronological order, every regulation having general applicability and legal effect, and amendments thereto, promulgated by federal agencies that are authorized by Congress or the president to issue rules and regulations.
Code of Federal Regulations (web | HeinOnline)
The Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) is the codification of the rules and regulations first published in the Federal Register, with all regulations and amendments that are currently in force. These are organized by subject.
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