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Master of Science in Oral Health Sciences

This guide is aimed at anyone in the Masters of Science in Oral Health Sciences program for help with their research.

Helpful Books

Additional Dentistry Books


ebook Collections

eBook Collection Description
ABC-CLIO eBooks ebooks published by ABC-CLIO
AccessMedicine library of medical ebooks including Harrison's Online and the LANGE Educational Library
AccessScience latest editions of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology and the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms
Ebrary aggregates several eBook collections covering many academic disciplines. This platform will search across: Academic Complete, College Complete, and Elibro colección: Cátedra [Spanish Language].
EbscoHost eBook Collection (formerly Netlibrary) access to over 17,000 books from a variety of disciplines
Gale Virtual Reference Library library of reference books from various publishers
Google Book Search growing collection of the full-text of out of copyright books as well as snippets from more recent titles
HathiTrust Digital Library a repository of titles scanned by Google Books, Internet Archive, and university initiatives; Temple users have access to public domain titles
MIT CogNet over 400 titles from MIT Press in the cognitive sciences
Oxford Reference Online over 400 reference works from Oxford University Press
Oxford Scholarship Online classic and newly-published works in the humanities and social sciences published by Oxford University Press. (Temple does not have access to all titles in Oxford Scholarship Online.)
R2 Library over 100 texts in medicine, nursing, and allied health
Sage eReference (Sage Knowlege) over 40 recent major reference works in the social sciences from Sage Publications
ScienceDirect journals and books on the sciences, medicine, and technical topics published by Elsevier

Springer Book Series

various book series in the sciences published by Springer
STAT!Ref 100+ healthcare reference titles from various publishers
Wiley Online Library various books published by Wiley

Clinical Research

AHRQ Healthcare Simulation Dictionary