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Communication Deviations and Disorders CSD2197

Temple Health Sciences Library Workshops

Workshops can be taught in a course, scheduled for a group and many are also offered in drop-in format. We are happy to provide instruction online using technology, such as WebEx or online videos. 

Please see the Ginsburg Library calendar for our current drop-in workshop offerings. All drop-in workshops are held in Ginsburg Library, 3500 N Broad St., MERB Building, unless otherwise noted.

Contact Courtney Eger for more information or to request a group or one-on-one session.

Workshop Offerings

Resource Instruction
Searching PubMed, Embase, CINAHL or other   
  database(s) of your choice
Advanced Searching Techniques
Anatomy Resources
Mobile Library Resources

Citation Management
RefWorks, Mendeley or EndNote Training
Choosing the Right Citation Management Tool

Evidence Based Healthcare
Introduction to Evidence Based Practice
CINAHL for Evidence Based Research

Systematic Review Training

Introduction to Systematic Reviews
How to Create A PICO Question
How to Build a Comprehensive Search
Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Resources
Overview of Systematic Review Tools

Scholarly Communication
Complying with the NIH Public Access Policy
Introduction to Open Access
Measuring Your Research Impact
Predatory Publishing in Biomedicine
Research Data Management Essentials
Scopus: Find out which articles are being cited


Data Management
Research Data Management Essentials
Research Data Management Hands-on Workshop
Introduction to Data Visualization
*Introduction to REDCap
*Introduction to GIS for Health

Keeping Up With...Biomedical Literature
My NCBI: Personalizing PubMed
Poster Presentation Best Practices
Protecting Your Personal Privacy in a Digital

Finding an existing 3D model
Creating a 3D model
Using a CT scan to create a 3D model

Scholarly Communication
Complying with the NIH Public Access Policy
Introduction to Open Access
Measuring Your Research Impact
Predatory Publishing in Biomedicine
Developing Your Scholarly Profile
How to Write and Publish a Case Report

Evaluation of Resources
Comparing Library Resources: Which One to  
Evaluating the Evidence

Customized, Course Specific Workshops
We regularly design workshops to meet course specific objectives

*In collaboration with Temple Clinical Research Institute and Center for Bioethics, Urban Health, and Policy

Drop-in Workshop Schedule