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Guide to history research at Temple University Libraries

Find Books

Use Library Search to find books owned by Temple University Libraries. You can search by author, title, subject, or keyword.

  • Select the Books & Media heading.
  • Then use the filters to the left of your search results to limit results by availability (print or online), publication date, topic, era, genre, and more.
  • Once you find a book that seems useful, check the list of Subject links in the item's record. Try these links to find additional books on the same topic. For example the subject: World War, 1914-1918 -- Social aspects -- Great Britain, will take you to other titles about the home-front and other social impacts of World War I in Great Britain.

Books From Other Libraries

If Temple does not own the book, you can request it from another library via E-Z Borrow or ILLiad.

Charles Library Book Locations

  • BookBot: Place request online and pick up on the first floor, behind the One Stop Assistance Desk
  • Stacks (4th floor): On the 4th floor of Charles Library, organized by call number. 
  • Remote Storage: Place request online. Typically takes 24 hours to be retrieved. Pick up at One Stop Desk.