Proquest search interface. Use the Advanced Search page and scroll down to Document Type. Select "business case" and "case study."
Then type a keyword into the first search box for the topic, industry or company you are researching.
EbscoHost search interface. Use the Advanced Search page and scroll down to Document Type. Select "case study."
Then type a keyword into the first search box for the topic, industry or company you are researching.
ABI/INFORM provides publications on business conditions, trends, and management techniques. Titles are available full-text, including the Wall Street Journal.
Note: Follow these instructions to link Google Scholar with Temple's resources.
Google Scholar provides search for scholarly literature. It covers disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations.
Access World News includes a variety of news publications worldwide. These sources include major national and international newspapers, as well as local and regional titles as well as newswires, blogs, web-only content, videos, journals, magazines, transcripts and more.
ABI/INFORM provides publications on business conditions, trends, and management techniques. Titles are available full-text, including the Wall Street Journal.
Case Study Analysis a tutorial from Cengage Learning
Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets, and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. It also includes access to EndNote Online.