World Development Indicators
Annual economic, social, educational, environmental and health data from many of the World Bank's major statistical publications. Provides data from 1960 to the present. If researching African nations, also see Africa Development Indicators which has some additional variables.
Lexis Nexis Statistical Datasets
Wide variety of economic, social, environmental, political, and marketing indicators from many US government agencies as well as international bodies.
Global Insight
Best source for United States national, state, and metropolitan data. International data includes IMF's International Financial Statistics, Direction of Trade, and Balance of Payments as well as OECD's Main Economic Indicators and National Accounts. Limited data coming directly from other countries is also included.
SourceOECD Statistics
Statistics on the OECD countries regarding topics such as general economic indicators, agriculture and food, bank profitability, economic forecasts, education, employment, globalization, industrial structure, institutional investors, international development, migration, trade, international direct investment, national accounts, governmental revenue, science and technology, services, social expenditure, industrial structural analysis, and telecommunications.
United Nations. Statistics Division.
Among the many publications of the UN Statistics Division are yearbooks on: Construction, Energy, Industrial Statistics, International Trade, National Accounts and Demography.
UN Sales publications - Categories XIII & XVII (Located in SSRC - UN Stacks 84 & 85.)
For 1926-1944, use the Statistical Yearbook of the League of Nations.
OECD Historical Statistics
Annual publication containing basic macroeconomic statistics similar to those found in the Economic Outlook -- percentage rates of change and percentage ratios or shares -- but spanning a period of over thirty years.
(SXF) HC10.O615
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