Click here for information about How to Prepare an Annoted Bibliography
There are copies of the ASA STYLE GUIDE available at the Charles Library One Stop Assistance Desk.
The examples in the column below are for the most commonly used formats: books, articles, and websites. If you need information about how to format a citation for something other than a book, article, or website, ask to see a copy of the American sociological Association Style Guide at the One Stop Assistance Desk in the lobby of Charles Library. There are two print copies of the revised and expanded 3rd edition. The copies may be taken away from the desk but must be used in the building.
Adapted from the ASA Style Guide:
Things to keep in mind:
A page with references is placed at the end of your paper and is titled "REFERENCES." All references cited in your paper must be listed in the references list.
References are double-spaced and use a hanging indent.
References are listed in alphabetical order by author's last names. Authors are listed by their full names, unless the author's initials were used in the original publication. For citations with multiple authors, only the name of the first author is inverted.
List two or more works by the same author in order of the year of publication. Six hyphens and a period (------.) are used instead of the author's name when the author is the same as in the preceding citation.
Distinguish two or more works by the same author published in the same year by adding letters (a, b, c, etc.) to the year. List in alphabetical order by title.
Book - one author:
Schwartz, Alex F. 2006. Housing Policy in the U.S.: An Introduction. New York, NY: Routledge
Book - two authors:
Glaeser, Edward L. and Joseph Gyourko. 2008. Rethinking Federal Housing Policy: how to make housing plentiful and
affordable. Washington, D. C.: AEI Press.
Book - no author:
ASA Style Guide. 1997. 2nd ed. Washington, D. C.: American Sociological Association.
Book - edited:
Williams, Peter, ed. 1997. Directions in Housing Policy: towards sustainable housing policies for the UK. London: Paul
Book - online (electronic):
Wang, Ya Ping and Alan Murie. 1999. Housing Policy and Practice in China. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press. Retrieved January
15, 2010. (
Article - from collected works:
Murie, Allan. 1997. "Beyond State Housing." Pp. 84-93 in Directions in Housing Policy: towards sustainable housing policies for
the UK, edited by P. Williams. London: Paul Chapman.
Article - from journal - one author:
Lavorel, Jennifer. 2009. "Public Housing Preservation: Lessons from the Private Sector." Journal of Housing and Community
Development 42: 22-32.
Article - from journal - two authors:
Newman, Sandra and Howard Goldman. 2009. "Housing Policy for Persons with Severe Mental Illness." Policy Studies Journal
37 (2): 299-324.
Article - from a newspaper or a magazine:
Solomon, Deborah. 2009. "$35 Billion Slated for Local Housing." Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition, Sept. 28, 254:A1-A2.
Article - from electronic database:
Rainey, Amy. 2006. "Student at Lake Forest College Learn About Race and Housing Policy in Chicago." Chronicle of Higher
Education 52, no. 37: 13-14 (2 pages). Retrieved January 15, 2010. (
Information Posted on a website:
Scire, Mathew J. 2009. "Public Housing: HUD's Oversight of Housing Agencies should focus more on Inappropriate Use of
Program Funds." United States Government Accountability Office. Retrieved January 15th, 2010.