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Find Children's Literature

Guide to finding children's books at Temple Libraries

Use the library catalog to identify children's books before searching the library shelves.

To find fiction children's books, you'll need to use subject searching. In advanced search with the subject filter for "juvenile fiction," add a keyword for topic and/or genre you're interested in. An example might be subject: "juvenile fiction" and "bears."

Children's books, also known as juvenile literature, are located in the northernmost part of the 4th floor of Charles Library, in two different spots.

Hirsch Collection

Funded by a donation from Dr. Paul and Mrs. Harriette Newman Hirsch, this collection contains over 2,000 works of children’s literature. The Hirsch Collection is located on the fourth floor of Charles Library. 

Location of Hirsch collection books

Half-height shelves

Near the faculty and grad study lounge.

Half-height shelves near faculty and grad lounge which hold children's books not in the Hirsch Collection.


Please note that there are a select few items in Kardon (remote storage), namely outdated material. Special Collections, the Blockson Afro-American Collection, and Ambler Library also have juvenile literature. The leisure collection on the 1st floor of Charles also has some YA books.
