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Jazz Century in America: DANC 0806

Resources for the Gen Ed Course, Jazz Century in America

Weeks 1,2 - The Roots of Jazz

Photograph of black dance

Sidney Bechet from Grove Music Online.  (if you are off-campus, enter your Temple Accessnet username and password, the same that you use for Canvas, TUPortal, or your Temple email).

Buddy Bolden from Grove Music Online.

Jelly Roll Morton from Grove Music Online.

Thomas Edison’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Strut and Cake Walk) in Edison : the invention of the movies [DVD],


The Cakewalk from Dance Black America: a Festival of Modern, Jazz, Tap, and African Styles from Dance in Video.


Louis Armstrong and King Oliver album cover Cake Walking Babies from Home from Naxos Music Library-Jazz
Jelly-Roll Morton Mr. Jelly Lord album cover Black Bottom Stomp (Jelly Roll Morton) from Naxos Music Library-Jazz.



Week 3 - African Continuities