News sources (newspapers, magazines, news blogs, news broadcasts, news feeds, etc.) are written by reporters and journalists on topics of current interest.
When and Why You Should Use News Sources:
Remember: Not all news sources are created equal! Some have hidden (or obvious!) biases or motives. Do some background research into who owns the news organization to learn more about it.
Need to search for current news articles -- from multiple perspectives? The following are some best bets.
Need to search for historical, archived news articles -- from multiple perspectives? The following are some best bets.
Need to find the contact information for a specific media company? Need to find circulation data or media kits? Use the following sources to find media listings and data.
The Libraries' Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) houses two major Philadelphia broadcasting archives: 6ABC (WPVI-TV) footage and CBS 3 (KYW-TV) footage.
The SCRC also houses three major Philadelphia newspaper clipping archives: Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Philly Daily News, in addition to the photograph archive of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Some of the Evening Bulletin photographs are digitized and available online.
The SCRC also houses underground and/or alternative press publications from the 1960s to the present within the Contemporary Culture Collections.
Contact or visit the SCRC to learn more about using these collections.