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Find Newspapers

Temple Libraries provide access to a diverse collection of thousands of papers from around the world. Use this guide to find current and historical newspapers.

Getting Started

Generic newspaper imageUse the tabs to find recent and historical news sources from Pennsylvania, the United States, and beyond. If you have any questions about news content, contact a librarian for assistance.

Find Specific News Publications

Most newspapers and news magazines to which the library has access can be located using Journal Finder (via Library Search). When you locate the correct title, check the publication dates and where the item is available. Use the search box below, and search by title.

Ask a Librarian

Why Use News Sources?

Newspapers on The Wall Street Journal Rack. Photo by Philip Strong on UnsplashNews sources (newspapers, magazines, news blogs, news broadcasts, news feeds, etc.) are written by reporters and journalists on topics of current interest.

When and Why You Should Use News Sources:

  • You need information on a recent event or topic of interest
  • You need eyewitness accounts of events
  • You need reports on activities of state and local government
  • You need insights into local culture, arts & entertainment
  • You need perspectives from underrepresented groups
  • You need sources that advocate a particular viewpoint or opinion

Remember: Not all news sources are created equal! Some have hidden (or obvious!) biases or motives. Do some background research into who owns the news organization to learn more about it.