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Library of Congress (LOC) call numbers can look a little intimidating, but once you understand what all those letters and numbers mean, you should be able to find library items with ease.
Practice on this example call number:
Tips for searching using call numbers:
1. From the library homepage, click on the blue box with the magnifying glass next to the search box.
2. Select "advanced search"
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter a call number range in the "Library of Congress Classification Range" fields. Make sure you choose an end number that will encompass any possible item within that range.
Music materials at Charles Library, Temple University's main library, can be found on the fourth floor under the call numbers M, ML, and MT. Find and learn the call number for your favorite type of book. (My personal favorite is ML2075, books on film music.) Enjoy the vast resources available for you at Temple University Libraries!
M – Music Scores (see the "Find Scores" tab for more information about M call numbers)
ML – Books, information about music
MT – Music Education and Theory
More details about the Library of Congress classification for music.