Rock's Backpages is a database of music journalism, featuring almost 50,000 articles on thousands of artists from Aaliyah to ZZ Top.
JSTOR provides page images of ebooks, ebook chapters, and back issues of scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and basic sciences from the earliest issues to current publication. It also offers millions of high-quality ArtStor images, curated from leading museums and archives around the world.
Concurrent user limit: unlimited
Project Muse provides access to full-text journals, ebooks, and ebook chapters from university presses. Temple does not have access to all available ebooks.
Academic Search Complete provides full text scholarly publications and full text journals for academic areas of study.
ERIC [via EBSCOhost] contains bibliographic records of research reports, conference papers, teaching guides, books, and journal articles relating to the practice of education. ERIC Digests are included. Covers the period 1966-present.