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Capstone Seminar in Global Studies GBST 4096 - 002

Sources and suggestions for Capstone projects in Global Studies Fall 2020

Finding Films at Temple

Temple University faculty and students have access to two large video and DVD collections: 1) the CLA Ed Tech Center collection located in AL-21 Anderson Hall , and 2) the Charles Library collection.

The CLA ED Tech Center collection is a teaching resource for faculty and TAs; faculty and TAs are permitted to checkout video, audio, and slide resources or place them on reserve for classes. Students are not permitted to checkout materials but may view visual materials related to their coursework in selected study spaces at the Center.

Materials from the Library collection  can be checked out by anyone with a Temple ID for a period of 7 days, or be placed on reserve for classes. All videos and DVDs from both collections are listed in Library Search. Videos or DVDs in either collection can be located by title.

 The following is a sampling of the many documentaries about city available from the  collection:

Global cities : immigration and the world economy

Slum cities  : a shifting world

Reinventing the city

Decaying cities : the challenge of revitalization

The city of tomorrow : metropolitan life in the future

Understanding cities

The Islamic city

and many, many more. Use Library Search to find more films.

Also recommended:

The power of place geography for the 21st century

Journey To Planet Earth Television Program

The ecological footprint : accounting for a small planet