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Capstone Seminar in Global Studies GBST 4096 - 002

Sources and suggestions for Capstone projects in Global Studies Fall 2020

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Looking for an ebook or ebook chapter? Use the following source to find ebooks at Temple.

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Where the Books Are

Books often provide more detail and are more expansive than academic articles. Sometimes they are collections of papers or essays that are essentially what you would find as an academic article.

Political Science is generally in the area of the call letters J, law is K, and country and state topics are generally in the range D-E-F

A general approach to searching for a topic when you don't have a specific book in mind is this:  1) Do a keyword search on a likely word or phrase and reorder the results by date; 2) Look at the subject headings assigned to the book and; 3) either click on the link to the subject search on that heading, or 4) use parts of the subject heading as another keyword search. 

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