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๐Ÿ” How to: Search the TUJ Library Catalog

Use this guide to learn how to search for books, articles, media, and other resources in the TUJ Library Catalog. Learn how to access your library account, renew books, save items, save searches, and place hold requests.

Searching for Videos and DVDs in the Library Catalog

Along with books and articles, the library catalog contains information about movies available in the TUJ library's DVD collection and streaming videos that you can access online.

To locate these materials, start by searching for a movie title, topic, subject, genre, director's name, actor's name, or any other keyword that is relevant to your needs:

To limit your search results to all videos -  After the search results load, look for the Resource Type category on the left-hand side of the results page and select the filter for Videos:

Image of library catalog "Resource Type" search filters with "Videos" selected and "Apply filters" button highlighted

To limit your search to physical DVDs, do the step above (Resource Type = Videos) and also apply the Library filter for Japan Campus Library:

Screenshot of Library category of filters with "Japan Campus Library" selected

To limit your search to electronic videos, do the step above (Resource Type = Videos) and also apply the Availability filter for Online:

Screenshot of Availability group of filters with "Online" selected

Locating DVDs in the TUJ Library

After searching in the library catalog and identifying a DVD that you're interested in, you will need to find the video number in order to locate it on the shelf.  Unlike the Library of Congress call numbers that we use for books, the DVD collection is organized by a simple numerical scheme.

In both the brief record view in the search results page or the full record view after you've clicked on the title, you can find the video number in the item's availability statement:

Library catalog record in brief view for the movie "Cats" 

Availability statement for a DVD "Available at Japan Campus Library Media (Video #6)

In the example above, the video number is 6.

All of the DVDs in the TUJ library are located on shelves behind the library service desk.  You are welcome to retrieve DVDs from the shelves yourself, or you can ask for assistance at the desk and someone will be happy to help.

DVDs may be checked out for one week at a time.  We also have portable DVD players available for loan that you can connect to a computer via USB.

Accessing Electronic Videos Online

After searching in the library catalog and identifying an electronic movie that you're interested in, you will need to leave the catalog to access the movie in an external database.

Instead of an availability statement with a video number, you will see a link icon labeled "Online":

Catalog record for "The Civil War: Episode 1, The Cause (1861)

Click on the title to open the full catalog record and then look for a section with the header "View Online":

Catalog record "View Online" section showing availability via Films on Demand Streaming Video

In the example above, the video is available through the Films on Demand database.  Clicking on the "Films on Demand Streaming Video" link will take you out of the catalog to the database.  In most cases you will be required to log in using your TU NetAccess ID and password, after which you will be automatically redirected to the database.

Temple University Japan Campus Libraryย  ย 1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 154-0004
Tel: 03-5441-9867 Fax: 03-5441-9811ย  ย Email:ย tujlib@temple.libanswers.comย  ย Web: